I. Definitions:
1. Base - set of buildables that require a plot pole to be built or just a plot pole.
2. Glitching/exploiting - using unwanted or broken game or server mechanics to your advantage.
3. Kamikaze - causing explosive damage by a flying vehicle, where a ground vehicle dropped from the air counts as flying vehicle as well.
4. Stream sniping - using data displayed live on a streaming platform (like Twitch or Youtube) to your advantage (ie. to kill a streamer).
5. Combat log - logging off after getting shot at, hit or after teammate's death closely.
6. Combat evasion - fleeing to Safe Zone in a combat situation or logging of after looting a mission within the mission perimeter.
II. General Rules
1. No glitching/expliting^.
1.1. Shooting using a turret that is sticking through an object is considered as glitching/exploiting.
2. No cheating.
3. No duping.
4. No using VPN.
5. No combat logging^.
6. No combat evading^.
6.1. If you get engaged up to 5 seconds before getting into a Safe Zone, you can enter a Safe Zone without facing any consequences.
7. No logging out in another player's base.
8. In game chat is Freedom of Speech
8.1. Keep the game chat civil.
8.2. Keep trash talk to minimum.
8.3. Do not spam in Side Chat.
8.4. You can use every language.
8.5. Respect all players and admins.
9. Owner's or Project Leader's opinion on a matter is always final.
10. Base camping with vehicles is only allowed if there is no cover on vehicle's sides. A vehicle has to be placed on a plain piece of base.
11. Kamikaze^ is NOT allowed.
12. No logging off with all of your loot or money from safes or lockboxed on your character.
13. No money or stats farming on your teammates.
14. No stream sniping^.
15. Using another player's nickname to get an advantage is not allowed.
III. Base Building Rules
1. One group can build 2 bases^ only.
2. Base Maintenance is set to 10 days. Please maintain every 8-9 days to avoid issues.
3. No building within 1000m from the Mafia Hideout / XP Trader.
4. No building within 800m from Trader Cities (Bash, Klen, Pavlovo, Staroye), Bandit/Hero Trader, Airfields (Balota, NWAF, NEAF) and the Bank.
5. No building within 600m from Stary Military Base, Novy Military Camp and Vehicle Dealers.
6. Bases cannot be built blocking roads.
7. Building under bridges is allowed as soon as there are no buildables sticking through a bridge and blocking a road on it.
8. No blocking roads with buildables.
9. No blocking Plot Poles, Safes or Lockboxes with buildables or hiding them in textures or objects.
10. No sky bases. Every base must be accessible on foot/located on the ground.
11. Base raids are allowed.
12. Base takeovers are NOT allowed.
13. Cinder and Metal buildables are indestructible.
14. No blocking doorways with indestructible buildables.
15. Every point of the base has to be accessible by at least 1 way, either ground or air.
16. Maximum base height is 20m.
18. One base can have no more than 3 Draw Bridges.
IV. Safe Zone Rules
1. No trader griefing.
1.1. No entering vehicles that do not belong to you.
1.2. No running next to players to stop them from accessing their gear.
1.3. No removing parts of vehicles that do not belong to you.
2. No ramming/pushing vehicles or player in Safe Zones.
3. Abusing Safe Zone radius to kill players is NOT allowed.
4. Stealing vehicles or from players or their vehicles is NOT allowed in Safe Zones.
5. Entering Safe Zone while in combat is NOT allowed.
6. Safe Zone camping IS ALLOWED.
6.1. Sitting on the edge of a Safe Zone and waiting for someone to enter or leave is NOT allowed.